Monday, January 8, 2018

Bond of Blood public demo H



  1. didn't even realize you'd started posting here again, welcome back

    1. Thanks. Due to Patreon's policy changes I can't freely discuss all the features of the game. (Likewise, I'm no longer hosting the public demo there.) When I have a major announcement to make, I'll post it here. For daily updates on the game's progress you should join my discord channel.

    2. The demo was pretty solid. Wendy's 3rd mission seemed interesting. I like the scavenger style game play and I'm curious to see how the items you get will work. During the 3rd mission though, if you go to switch characters, you can switch to anyone including some debug characters I think so I wasn't sure if it was intentional or just cause its a WIP. Also I wasn't sure what was up with Wendy spawning naked after the 2nd mission, I ended up just changing in her room and wasn't sure if I had missed something haha but overall good job! Seems like things are coming together haha

  2. Glad you liked it! Items in my game really don't do anything. It's kinda like trading bottle caps in Fallout. The bottle caps can't be used, but they have value. Well, keys will open doors, of course. There will be item traders that will exchange items with you or even buy them off you. Ideally I'd like to create a ton of them (more than needed), so smart players would search around for the best deals. (As well as not get ripped off. lol) For Wendy's 3rd mission she is to have everyone from the 1st and 2nd mission in her party. It's meant to be progressive party building, like those Lego games in story mode. However there are a few characters that shouldn't be there, so yes, that's more of a debug thing. Why Wendy is nude after beating the second mission is explained if you talk to NPCs while she is naked. Namely the female that suddenly appears in her room. The dialog is rather important, but don't worry, you don't have to restart your game to see it. Attempt to leave her room while dressed in her green coveralls, and she should exit the room nude again. (Her changing to her school girl uniform is progression of the dialog; NPCs will but comment on her outfit as well as the far she was just running around nude.) Apple and Wendy together offers further dialog progression. Anyways, glad you liked it. Keep me updated on your games as well!

    1. Ah okay I gotcha. I did like how there were different traders for the items in Thomas's level, so that's a nice addition to return. And yeah the Naked Wendy scene made a lot more sense once I played it for the second time haha And thanks man will do!

    2. Thanks. Yeah, it's hard at times to find the right balance for the item trading. You don't want it to be too easy, but at the same time you don't want it to feel too grindy either. But over all it's a good system I think. I use it nearly all of the scenarios now.

      That reminds me I forgot to animate Professor Lopez nude. She can't enter the female bath until I do. haha
